CAPS Independent Advocacy is recruiting a Collective Agency Worker (Veterans). The position is 36.25 hours per week, with a salary of £25,778 – £28,533 per annum (starting salary £25,778) and a Scotland-wide remit, based in Edinburgh, with an initial fixed term contract of one year. The deadline for applications is 12pm noon on Thursday 20 February.
Social Enterprise Funding and Investment Survey
The Scottish Parliament Social Enterprise Cross Party Group (CPG) is seeking the views and experiences of social enterprises regarding the current funding and financial challenges many Scottish social enterprises face, through an online survey.
PVG Changes Summary Guide
As you are probably aware, Disclosure Scotland is making changes to their services from Tuesday 1 April. This is part of the process for implementing the Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020. To help organisations understand what is changing and how it impacts them, our team at CVS Falkirk & District has created a summary guidance document, which highlights some of the key changes that relate to the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.
Sea-Changers 2024/25 Innovation Fund
The Sea-Changers 2024/25 Innovation Fund is now open for applications. The fund’s focus is on supporting new and experimental solutions to marine conservation challenges. The deadline for applications is Thursday 28 February.
Learning Disability Support Fund Launched
Inspiring Scotland has launched a new Scottish Government Learning Disability Support Fund. The Fund aims to sustain and support organisations who work directly with people with learning disabilities in Scotland, to build a more inclusive society, reduce inequality and provide opportunities for fulfilling lives. The deadline for applications is 12pm noon on Wednesday 26 February.
Bank of Scotland Foundation Empower Grants OPEN
Our Falkirk Funders Fayre guests Bank of Scotland Foundation has just opened their new Empower grants programme for 2025. The programme has been designed to solely focus on helping registered charities who support vulnerable groups and people. The deadline for applications is12pm noon on Wednesday 12 February.
Health and Wellbeing Forum: March 2025 Meeting
Forth Valley College is developing a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan for 2025-2030 to support student wellbeing. CVS Falkirk & District is inviting those interested to join them at the Health and Wellbeing Forum on Wednesday 5 March, 10am – 12pm, via MS Teams. This forum will offer an opportunity for collaboration on this significant issue.
Connecting Volunteering Network: February 2025 Meeting
Our next Connecting Volunteering Network will take place on Wednesday 26 February, 10am – 12pm at Talbot House, Talbot Street, Grangemouth, FK3 8HU. The theme for this meeting is “Volunteer Opportunities: Ideas for Different Roles”. We will share ideas about the various roles volunteers can do to support organisations in creative and new ways.
Housing and Homelessness Co-production Group Opportunity
LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS) and The Rock Trust are seeking 10 young people (aged 16 – 25 years) to join their housing and homelessness co-production group for 18 months. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 12 February.
Bo’ness Fair Valentines Day Prize Bingo
To raise funds for the Bo’ness Children’s Fair Festival, the Fair Committee is holding a Valentines Day Prize Bingo on Friday 14 February at Fisons Cairns Hall, 69 Linlithgow Road, Bo’ness, EH51 0DS. Doors open at 6:30pm, eyes down at 7:30pm.