Victoria McRae
Chief Executive Officer
01324 692000
With extensive experience in both the private and third sector, I joined CVS Falkirk in 2010, to develop volunteering while overseeing key strategic objectives locally and nationally for the organisation as well as creating projects and initiatives that support the communities of Falkirk. I was delighted to have been appointed CEO at the end of 2020, and am committed to our team, organisation, and our local sector and communities.
Our sector is vibrant, diverse and creative and rose to the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic through hard work with compassion and kindness. The team and I are dedicated to supporting our sector and partners in creating change and making a lasting and valued difference to the communities of Falkirk.
Lynsey Hansford
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
01324 692000
My third sector career started with being a volunteer in my community and I have since been passionate about the incredible value of the third sector, and how they can benefit such a wide variety of people at different stages of their lives. Supporting and strengthening the third sector, and working with people to improve their lives, has been at the heart of my working life since then.
As Deputy CEO I am committed to developing our team and the activities we offer so we can best support and serve the local third sector to ensure they can continue their excellent work, confidently navigate any challenges they face, and make the most of the opportunities available to them for the benefit of the people of the Falkirk and District area.
Eloise Wilson
Partnership Development Manager
01324 692000
Whilst my academic background has helped with developing my proficiency in policy, research, analysis and communications; it wasn’t until I started working and volunteering in the third sector nearly 10 years ago that I fully apprehended the rich diversity of dedicated staff and services existing in the sector, as well as the vital economic and social value that it offers to communities.
As Partnership Development Manager, I look forward to building strong and lasting relationships with the local third sector so I can ensure that the voice of the sector and the people it supports is meaningfully represented when working with our statutory partners to influence the development and design of strategic services in the Falkirk and District area.
Kerrie Hoggan
Business Manager
01324 692000
I am new to the third sector, joining CVS Falkirk & District in July 2023, after having spent almost 30 years in a variety of roles within the private sector. I am responsible for the membership of our organisation, together with supporting our Forums and Networks. Essentially, to help harness the Voice of the Sector.
I live locally and am delighted to be working within the local community, witnessing at close hand what a vast amount of work and passion is invested by so many people within the third sector.
Pam Dixon
Finance Officer
01324 692000
I am the Finance Officer and responsible for the day to day finances of the organisation. My role involves maintaining accurate financial records for CVS Falkirk and ensuring we have robust financial practices in place. My background is in accountancy, having worked in private practice before moving into the third sector.
Tariq Mahmood
Team Leader – Organisational Development
01324 692000
I am the Team Leader for Organisational Development at CVS Falkirk. I provide organisational development support to third sector organisations in the Falkirk area. This includes assisting voluntary organisations to identify and apply for grant funding, guidance and support on setting up a new charity or voluntary group, governance and training support, and helping organisations to be more effective in their management and service delivery.
Laura Jamieson
Communications Officer
01324 692000
As Communications Officer, I am responsible for collecting and disseminating information regarding the organisation and the wider Falkirk area, and maintaining our social media presence. I create and distribute a weekly e-bulletin and update our website on a regular basis; I am also responsible for event planning and press relations, and create all our publications and content, including many of our graphics. Comms is an extremely wide-reaching area, and no two days are ever the same!
My background is rather varied, with a degree in journalism and a HND in business from Forth Valley College. I came to CVS Falkirk through my college course, completing my work experience with them and returning to volunteer, before I became an employee, as I enjoyed not only working in the third sector but with the team as a whole.
Gail McLinton
Community Development Officer – Limerigg and Slamannan
01324 692000
I have extensive experience in the private sector, working with a diverse number of industries, including Media, Telecommunications and Advertising, utilising account and project management with leadership and team building skills. I have also had the opportunity to operate my own company, more recently as a business consultant, helping start-up companies to flourish. My role with CVS Falkirk is to develop community initiatives in Slamannan and Limerigg, supporting the aims of local community groups, nurturing new programmes to deliver funding and generate new community interests within the area.
I am dedicated to supporting change and making a lasting and valued difference to the communities of Slamannan and Limerigg.
Iain MacIntyre
Development Officer Community Ownership
01324 692000
As the Development Officer for Community Ownership, my role is to support the development and sustainability of the local third sector. By offering a tailored approach, I aim to assist third sector groups and organisations in taking forward their aspirations of community ownership and community asset transfer.
This includes supporting groups and organisations with their governance, funding, business planning, volunteering management, social enterprise activity and community leadership to create strong infrastructures within the communities that they serve.
Beth Cowen
Volunteering and Participation Development Officer
01324 692000
As Volunteering and Participation Development Officer I work alongside individuals, charities and non-profit organisations to advocate for, develop and grow volunteering opportunities whilst also fostering community engagement. I’m working particularly with the communities in Bonnybridge and Bo’ness, but I’ll also be active in the whole Falkirk District area to support the volunteering team.
Alongside my background in research and academia, I’ve been involved in the charity sector for over 10 years, in various capacities, and I am now a Trustee for a widening access charity in Glasgow. I’ve always found working in the third sector both fulfilling and incredibly educational. Throughout all my past roles I’ve always enjoyed working with people, so I’m very excited to get to know the local communities here!
Ashleigh Burt
Volunteering Development Officer
01324 692000
07585 516 001
I have worked in the Third Sector since 2010 and have over 11 years experience within volunteering support and development. As the Volunteering Development Officer my role is to promote, support and develop volunteering within the sector and communities of the Falkirk and District area.
This involves assisting volunteer involving organisations to develop their volunteering programmes and building meaningful engagement locally so that volunteering throughout Falkirk & District is supportive, well managed and recognised. I also lead on, encourage, and support groups to achieve the Volunteer Friendly Award. You may see me at local events promoting volunteering!
Euan Robertson
Capacity Building Development Officer
01324 692000
Rachel McRae
Communications and Events Officer
01324 692000
As Communications and Events Officer, I am responsible for supporting the wider team with event planning and promotion; alongside sharing key information across our local third sector. I also create much of our content from Event Delegate Packs to the weekly E-Bulletin; and maintain our social media presence.
Joining the CVS Falkirk & District team in March 2024 was rather surreal after having volunteered with them on an ad hoc basis for almost 10 years. Beyond this, my background is largely academical, with degrees in English, International Relations, and Publishing; all of which created a foundation of transferable skills to support my endeavours within this role.
Mhairi MacRaild
Community Development Officer – Denny and District
01324 692000
Supporting people to be aspirational and the best they can has always been my passion. My career has been varied – a community worker in a Scottish local authority and developing national Community Learning and Development policy and practice with Scottish Government; quality assurance and development in residential childcare, and criminal justice.
My own volunteering experiences began by accident when I became a volunteer tutor with Deaf and hard of hearing adults who wanted to improve their literacy skills. I have been a board member (or trustee) and am currently one of Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteers.
As Community Development Officer with CVS for Denny and District I feel I’m now back to my roots – supporting community organisations to develop and thrive so they can best meet the needs of their local community.
Marnie Forster
Participation and Engagement Manager
01324 692000
My role as the Community Participation and Engagement Manager is to shape, and contribute to, an important and innovative programme of work Greener Grangemouth: a 10-year programme as part of the Grangemouth and Falkirk Growth Deal (2024-2034) putting community health and wellbeing at the heart of Grangemouth’s Just Transition Programme.
Working with a wide network of stakeholders from the third sector and local communities, industry, business, public sector, and academic sector to create a visible and consistent ‘on the ground’ presence in Grangemouth. Focusing on developing relationships with people across the breadth of the community, ensuring everyone has a route to participation, and supporting collaboration across networks.
As a Grangemouth resident who has volunteered, worked, and lived my whole in the area I feel I have a good understanding of the community landscape, the priorities and challenges faced by the people who live and work in the town.
Board members
Clara Walker
David Henderson
Derek Allison
Neil Bradbrook
Wendy Turner