Below is a list of the current Policies & Procedures we have in place at CVS Falkirk, and a copy of each.
They are review marked and referenced in accordance with our quality management system. Many have been in place for a number of years, and others have been introduced to reflect changes in our working environment or legislation.
While these are all written specifically for CVS Falkirk, they may not be appropriate for your organisation or group. We share these documents as a starting point for your own organisation, but please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about adapting them to suit your needs.
We would always recommend that you look at the ACAS website for sample policies, and you consult your own HR advisers when updating existing policies or introducing new ones. It is our practice to do this together with a staff consultation process, and would suggest you look at something similar.
List of Policies & Procedures
Current live policies and procedures: