Denny & District, What’s Happening In Your Community?
Find out what our Community Development Officer for Denny & District has been discovering in your community
New Year, New You Volunteering Campaign
New Year, New You is a celebration of volunteering in our communities, shining a light on the impressive range of ways to get involved. Information events across Falkirk District provide the chance to Be Informed and Get Involved.
Winter Warmers 2024/5: Finding The Right Support This Winter
Our team are keen to share resources and support to keep yourself and your family warm and well this winter.
CVS Falkirk & District Presents: New Year, New You Volunteering Campaign
New Year, New You is a celebration of volunteering in our communities, shining a light on the impressive range of ways to get involved. Information Events across Falkirk District provide the chance to Be Informed and Get Involved.
FUND CLOSED: Kelvin Valley and Falkirk Community Led Local Development Fund 2024/2025: Round 2
After great interest and uptake, the Kelvin Valley and Falkirk Community Led Local Development Fund is now CLOSED for applications. Applicants can expect to receive their application’s result by the start of February 2025
Grangemouth Just Transition
CVS Falkirk & District are working to support Grangemouth Communities to engage with the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan Consultation. Please click the banner for more information.
The Driving Force: Volunteer Friendly Award Achievement
We are delighted to announce that The Driving Force have passed the accreditation to become a Volunteer Friendly organisation – congratulations!!
FUND NOW CLOSED: Falkirk Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund 2024
The Falkirk Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund Round 4 is now CLOSED for applications. Thank you to all who applied; we will be in touch soon regarding application outcomes.
Under the Trees: Volunteer Friendly Award Achievement
We are delighted to announce that Under the Trees have passed the accreditation to become a Volunteer Friendly organisation – congratulations!!
Forth Valley Social Enterprise Place Award
Celebrating the Forth Valley “Social Enterprise Place” status, Wednesday 13 March 2024 was an inspirational morning demonstrating how Social Enterprise in the Forth Valley is not just surviving but thriving.

Voice of the Sector
Forums designed to put the third sector at the heart of local decision making by advocating the views and contributions of the sector in order to meet wider community needs.
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Volunteering can transform the lives of volunteers and communities. By developing and supporting volunteering we empower people to make a difference in their communities.
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Organisation Support
A strong and resilient third sector is vital to the health of our economy and an essential fabric of our society. We provide bespoke support to the organisations delivering this for our community.
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Social Enterprise
Trading organisations where all profits are reinvested for community benefit, transforming lives, creating jobs, helping regeneration and improving the environment locally.
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PVG Changes Summary Guide
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As you are probably aware, Disclosure Scotland is making changes to their services from Tuesday 1 April. This is part of the process for implementing the Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020. To help organisations understand what is changing and how it impacts them, our team at CVS Falkirk & District has created a summary guidance document, which highlights some of the key changes that relate to the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.

Falkirk Funders Fayre 2025: Booking Open!
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We are delighted to invite you to the 2025 Falkirk Funders Fayre, taking place on Tuesday 11 March, 10am – 4pm at the Dobbie Hall, Main Street, Larbert, FK5 4BL.

New Year, New You!
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After a busy festive period, we’re welcoming in the new year with the exciting launch of our New Year, New You campaign! New Year, New You is a celebration of volunteering across Falkirk, shining a light on the impressive range of ways everyone can get involved in their local community. Throughout January the CVS Falkirk & District team will be promoting volunteering opportunities, celebrating the amazing impact of volunteering, and running recruitment events.