After a busy festive period, we’re welcoming in the new year with the exciting launch of our New Year, New You campaign! New Year, New You is a celebration of volunteering across Falkirk, shining a light on the impressive range of ways everyone can get involved in their local community. Throughout January the CVS Falkirk & District team will be promoting volunteering opportunities, celebrating the amazing impact of volunteering, and running recruitment events.
Volunteering News
New Year, New You: Stall Bookings Open
There’s still time to book your stall at our New Year, New You recruitment fayres in January! We know that volunteer numbers are down – both through research from bodies like Volunteer Scotland, and because you, our local community groups and charities, have told us so. New Year, New You is our response.
CVS Falkirk & District Presents: New Year, New You Volunteering Campaign
New Year, New You is a celebration of volunteering in our communities, shining a light on the impressive range of ways to get involved. Information Events across Falkirk District provide the chance to Be Informed and Get Involved.
Youth VIP Webinar: Welcoming Young People as Volunteers
The Youth Volunteering Innovation Project (Youth VIP) is a multi-organisation (Volunteering Matters, YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot) initiative to promote inclusive and participatory youth volunteering across Scotland. Formed from 13 recommendations made by young people to the Scottish Government in 2020, YouthVIP now work with organisations, Local Government and young people to make this vision a reality.…
Research Survey: Call for Volunteer Participants
Dr. Parichehr Riahi Pour and Professor Cleopatra Veloutsou from the University of Glasgow are researching underlying motives for volunteering, and volunteers’ contributions to charity and third sector organisations. The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge on volunteers and third sector/charity brands, and they are seeking active volunteers to complete an online survey. The…
Submit Your Volunteer Opportunities Now!
In the new year, the team here at CVS Falkirk & District will be launching our ‘New Year, New You’ volunteer recruitment campaign. This will include volunteer information sessions, volunteer drop-in sessions, and Recruitment Fayres – full details and dates will be released soon! In anticipation of our campaign launch, we want to make sure…
Youth Volunteering Survey: Final Call
Young Scot and their partners in the #YouthVIP programme, Youthlink Scotland and Volunteering Matters, are running a survey to find out more about young people’s experiences of volunteering, the benefits of volunteering for career and personal development – and anything which has prevented people from taking up volunteering opportunities. To help them with their research,…
Volunteer Recruitment Fayres: Stall Bookings Open Now!
In the new year, CVS Falkirk & District will be launching our ‘New Year, New You’ volunteer recruitment campaign. This will include two Recruitment Fayres – one in Grangemouth on Monday 20 January 2025 (3pm-6pm) and another in Denny on Saturday 1 February 2025 (12pm-3:30pm). Stall bookings are now open for volunteer-involving organisations – there is no cost, and we hope…
Make Your Mark Volunteer Managers Conference
Make Your Mark is holding their second annual Volunteer Managers Conference with their focus being on how to support a range of volunteers with abilities and needs. The conference is taking place on Thursday 27th February 2025, 9am – 4:30pm in Stirling, with the option to attend in-person or online.
YouthVIP Webinar: “Welcoming Young People as Volunteers”
On Wednesday 11th December, 10am – 12pm, the Youth Volunteering Innovation Project (Youth VIP) is hosting a highly immersive and interactive online workshop to help organisations become young people friendly.