We are delighted to invite you to our next Third Sector Health and Wellbeing Forum which will take place in person at Arnotdale House (FK1 5SQ) on Wednesday 11 September 2024, from 9:45am – 1:00pm (12:00 – 1:00pm for light lunch and networking).
At this session, we will discuss the impacts of ageism and develop creative ways for us to tell the true stories of what life is like for older people living in Falkirk. We look forward to hearing from representatives from Falkirk Older People’s Network and from the Older Person’s Champion for Falkirk – Councillor Alf Kelly – about how they both in their roles represent and champion for the interests of older people living in Falkirk District area; and from Lisa Wilson (AHP Falls Lead for Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership) on community falls management and prevention. We hope this will be an informative and collaborative event for you all.
We are delighted to be holding this meeting at Arnotdale House, which will be home to our volunteering exhibition Capturing Volunteer Stories, 1984-2024 from 10 – 20 September. We hope you can take some time after the meeting to enjoy the exhibition and learn about the amazing contributions of volunteers in Falkirk over the last forty years.
To attend this Forum, please complete this short form.
For further information about the forum, please email Eloise.wilson@cvsfalkirk.org.uk
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