Forth Valley Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) has created a programme of online content, aimed at young people leaving school this summer, their parents and carers.
The programme includes several elements, including:
- “DYW Skills Academy: Get Industry Ready”
Delivered throughout July and August with activities and employability experiences, supported by industry, that have been designed to combat youth unemployment.
Young people can register to take part in the free academy until Sunday 12th July. Elements of the course will be open to all school leavers, while some will be targeted directly at those looking to progress into employment and those applying for apprenticeships
An online portal for young people, educators, employers, parents and carers, which will include multiple resources from private and public sector bodies to provide support to young people leaving school.
- “Scotland’s Biggest Parent’s Evenings”
A series of “Scotland’s Biggest Parents Evening” events will be delivered over 4 broadcasts with input from a range of experts covering topics such as exams, mental health, apprenticeships, skills development and pathways into industry.
The events aim to provide a message of reassurance and optimism to parents and carers at this challenging time. They will also provide information about options and next steps, including where parents and young people can go to make informed judgements about their future.
The first event, “Pathways to Industry”, takes place on Tuesday 7th July 7pm – 7:30pm, and will be particularly beneficial to those whose young people have just left, or are about to leave, school.
“Pathways to Industry” provides an opportunity to hear from a range of experts from organisations such as Young Scot, the Scottish Qualifications Authority as well as directly from employers. The event will be broadcast on Young Scot’s YouTube and Facebook channels.
- Get Involved and Pledge Your Support
Could you or your colleagues lead a virtual mock interview or CV check for a young person, helping them make a more successful transition to the world of work? You can offer to support one or both experiences, taking place Monday 10th August – Friday 14th August.
Mock interviews will take approximately 25 minutes and CV checks approximately 30 minutes. Forth Valley DWP has created a guide and templates to support participants, and will facilitate the process.
To register or to fine out more about this offer of support, please visit the Forth Valley DYW website.
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