Camelon Arts will be launching the Camelon Community Calendar with an outdoor special stall moving around Camelon and Tamfourhill on Saturday 11th December, stopping at:
- Camelon Community Centre, 11:30am – 12:30pm, in the carpark
- Camelon Juniors Social Club 1:30pm – 2:30pm, outside the main entrance
- Tamfourhill Community Hub 4pm – 5pm, in the outdoor space
Calendars are £5 each, and purchases are cash only – all proceeds from the calendar sales will go to a Community Fund to support Community Events in 2022. Camelon Arts will be working closely with Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill to ensure these funds will be used in a way that best benefits the local communities.
There will also be free hot chocolate for anyone visiting the stall on the day.
The calendar will also be available to purchase at the following locations after Saturday, until early January:
- Graeme Pharmacy, 276 Main Street, Camelon, FK1 4EG
- the Falkirk Wheel Visitor Centre Gift Shop
For further information, please visit the Camelon Arts Facebook page.
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