Falkirk Community Planning Partnership (Falkirk CPP) will soon create the “Falkirk Plan”, a 10 year plan that will detail the priorities of our local communities. The views of local people are a crucial part in identifying what these priorities are and shaping the Plan.
In the coming weeks, Falkirk CPP will seek to gather the views of those who live in our communities and have first-hand knowledge of the challenges being faced, and the support that could help individuals and families to overcome these challenges.
From mid-April, Falkirk CPP will hold online video meetings (BOOKING LINKS BELOW) for people and community groups from different areas across Falkirk – a full list of the areas covered (with links to each event) is available in Falkirk CPP’s statement (linked for your convenience), or listed below.
Clicking on your own community area (either below, or in the document) will take you to an Eventbrite page where you can confirm your attendance for your local meeting.
Falkirk CPP already have some information that tells them about what life is like for people across the Falkirk Council area, and they are using this knowledge to work with local people, businesses and communities to develop community-led solutions that everyone in Falkirk can benefit from. This information tells them that levels of inequality and different types of disadvantage have increased, that COVID-19 continues to have a huge impact on people’s lives, and that many people are facing serious challenges on a daily basis right now.
This information is only one part of the picture and to get this right and continue to improve people’s lives, Falkirk CPP need to hear from people and communities about the issues that matter most to them.
The Third Sector and the Falkirk Plan
Our local third sector organisations have a crucial part to play in this. Our team at CVS Falkirk know that trusted third sector staff and volunteers support people who are facing inequality all the time – we would appreciate your support in reaching the people in Falkirk who are facing the most disadvantage, so that their views are heard and can inform the Falkirk Plan.
Paul Anderson, the Community Planning Coordinator, will attend the COVID-19 Third Sector Response Forum on Wednesday 31st March, 3pm – 5pm (via Zoom), to provide information about how third sector organisations and community groups can help to gather feedback from the people who use their services, that will then be used to shape the Falkirk Plan.
If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Scott Malcolm for the Zoom link by email: scott.malcolm@cvsfalkirk.org.uk
If you can’t attend any of the meetings, but still want to make your views on these important issues known, then please contact Paul Anderson by phone: 07483919744, or email: communityplanning@falkirk.gov.uk
Meeting Dates and Booking Links
- Tuesday 13th April, 7pm – 9pm: Falkirk (link)
- Thursday 15th April, 7pm – 9pm:
- Monday 19th April, 7pm – 9pm: Laurieston, Polmont, Westquarter, Redding, Reddingmuirhead, Brightons (link)
- Tuesday 20th April, 7pm – 9pm:
- Thursday 22nd April, 7pm – 9pm:
- Tuesday 27th April, 7pm – 9pm:
- Thursday 29th April, 7pm – 9pm:
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