NHS Forth Valley’s Ambulatory Interface Care Programme is looking for people to take part in a group discussion around a new, more accurate name for Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) work in Scotland.
Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) was developed by NHS England as an alternative to hospital admission to try and reduce hospital bed pressures.
Previously termed Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC), it is a relatively new model of care where patients (who would previously have required in-patient care) get the same assessment and treatment but in an SDEC unit and, crucially, are not expected to be admitted to hospital overnight.
Scotland’s NHS is looking at a model similar to SDEC as a fundamental part of how it recovers from the COVID pandemic.
However, there are some differences between the Scottish and English models; for example, in Scotland these services are almost exclusively delivered by Acute Medicine consultants rather than Emergency Medicine (A&E). In addition, care is not always “same day” – some people who attend hospital can be safely discharged to have their assessment and treatment the following day, or can be seen on several occasions rather than having a prolonged admission to hospital.
There is concern that the term “SDEC” does not accurately describe the service or model used in Scotland, which may be confusing for patients.
They would like to explore other possibilities, and are keen to hear from members of the public.
The following suggestions have been made by clinicians working in NHS Scotland; they are keen for feedback as to which (if any) is the most meaningful to patients and best describes this model of care:
- Acute Care Ambulatory Service (ACAS)
- Urgent Ambulatory Care (UAC)
- Urgent Non-Admitted Care (UNAC)
- Acute Non-Admitted Care (ANAC)
- Urgent Non-admitted Care and Assessment (UNCA)
- Acute Non-admitted Care and Assessment (ANCA)
The deadline for expressions of interest to the discussion group is Monday 16th May; it is anticipated that the discussion group session will take place week commencing Monday 23rd May.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to be part of this small discussion group, please contact the Ambulatory Interface Care Programme team with your name and contact details before the deadline, by email: nss.rucandaicteam@nhs.scot
Alternatively, for further information on SDEC and the Scottish approach, view or download the information document as a pdf.
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