Woodland Trust has free tree packs available for schools and communities across the UK, with hundreds of thousands of trees to give away.
They aim to make sure everyone in the UK has the chance to plant a tree, which will help reach the UK’s 2050 carbon net-zero target.
There are a range of packs available to create different kinds of wooded space, including hedges, copses, urban wood and working wood, with different species and number of trees, plus appropriate protection for them.
Woodland Trust has 2 delivery periods per year (in March and November), and are currently taking applications for trees to be delivered in March 2022. (Packs are also available to buy in the Woodland Trust’s online shop all year round, for those who are keen to plant trees before March. Costs range from £8.95 – £152.)
Before submitting an application, applicants need to:
- know the 6 digit grid reference for the land they wish to plant, using the UK Grid Reference Finder
- have permission from the legal landowner
- read the short list of FAQs, which include important and useful information to help with applications
Woodland Trust also advises that people contact their local council’s tree enquiries team before applying, as they may have important guidance for planting in the area. The team responsible for trees on Falkirk Council land is the Estate Management team, who can be contacted by phone: 01324 506070, or email: contact.centre@falkirk.gov.uk
(Alternatively, for further information, visit the Falkirk Council Environmental Management page.)
Additionally, there is an online resource, “Tree Tools for Schools”, which is designed to include everything schools need to plan, plant and care for their tree pack. The activities include a planning tool, planting advice and interactive activities, all of which can be used by community groups as well as schools.
To apply for a free tree pack, or for further information, please visit the Woodland Trust website.
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