Ama-zing Harmonies, a singing group working to unite people together through music and food, is holding a free in-person International Women’s Day event on Saturday 11th March, 4pm – 8pm at the Beechwood Scout Hall, Beechwood Park, Newhouse, Stirling, FK8 2AE.
“Empowering Women Through Health” will celebrate female empowerment through health and wellbeing, with speakers including Dr Winifred Kisitu, Dr Omolara Plang, and Ama-zing Harmonies founder Dr Ama Shallangwa. There will also be health tests available, along with free food and refreshments.
Everyone is welcome, including those who identify as men. The event is supported by NHS Forth Valley and the local Managed Care Network (MCN).
To book your free place, please visit the Eventbrite page.
Alternatively, for the event poster, or to learn more about Ama-zing Harmonies, visit their website.
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