Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is consulting for a new Carers Strategy – a list of things which are important to carers in the Falkirk District, and the ways Falkirk HSCP can try to make things better – with new online surveys for carers and young carers.
Falkirk HSCP recognises that the past couple of years have been particularly challenging for carers, with a number of new challenges that the previous 2019 strategy did not predict, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing cost of living crisis.
They want to hear from as many carers and young carers as possible, in order to include these factors in the new strategy.
The deadline for responses is Friday 23rd December.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit:
- the carers’ survey (linked for your convenience)
- the young carers’ survey (linked for your convenience)
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