On behalf of Scottish Government, Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) is holding a Falkirk in-person consultation event on the “Heat in Buildings” Bill, taking place on Monday 5th February, 1:30pm – 2:30pm in the Brockville Room of Falkirk Stadium, 4 Stadium Way, Grangemouth, FK2 9EE.
The event is part of a series of online and in-person consultation events across Scotland for people to learn what is being proposed in the Bill, and to share their opinions through facilitated discussions.
Scottish Government is proposing to make new laws around the heating systems which can be used in homes and workplaces, which will help Scotland reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reach its legal binding “net zero” targets.
People can also submit their thoughts via the online survey, which closes on Friday 8th March.
For further information, including how to book your place, please visit the Eventbrite page.
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