The Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) ‘Growing Food Together’ Fund is once again offering a cash boost to community growing projects across the whole of Scotland.
Funded by the Scottish Government, projects can apply for part of the £100,000 fund that aims to foster community engagement in growing and learning about food, as well as promoting healthy eating and outdoor exercise. A maximum CSGN Growing Food Together Fund contribution of 75% will be given. Projects that maximise the percentage of match funding secured will be looked upon favourably.
Environmental charity, the Green Action Trust, is managing the fund as part of its work to drive forward the delivery of the Central Scotland Green Network and is again expanding the application criteria to welcome applications from across Scotland.
The main fund objectives are:
- Increase the amount of land available for community food growing, allotments and orchards
- Improve food growing skills and knowledge to empower communities and individuals to grow their own food
Projects that are eligible to be funded are those that support community food growing projects that have a tangible community benefit via community and voluntary organisations with growing projects.
Applications are open to projects across Scotland. To apply, please complete the Application Form and submit via email to Full guidance can be found in the application form.
The closing date for applications is 5pm, Friday 19 July 2024.
For further information, please visit the Funding Scotland or Central Scotland Green Network websites.
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