The Camelon & Tamfourhill Safer Streets Open Doors Event will take place next Friday 23rd June, 11am – 2pm at the Forth Valley Sensory Centre, Redbrae Road, Camelon, FK1 4DD. Refreshments will be available.
With themes of “Combating Poverty” and “Community Safety”, there will be a number of local groups and services on the day to speak about the support they can offer, including:
- Forth Valley Recovery Community
- FEL Scotland
- Police Scotland
- Transform Forth Valley
- Falkirk Council’s Debt Advice and Welfare Benefits Team
- Central Scotland Regional Equality Council (CSREC)
- Scottish Fire and Rescue
- hosts Forth Valley Sensory Centre
- Safer Streets Youth Action Project
Dr Bike will also be in attendance, providing services to both adult and children’s bikes.
The Debt Advice and Welfare Benefits Team will be providing on to one support and advice on matters relating to personal budgeting, dealing with debt, and support in accessing welfare benefits, along with other opportunities such as employment and training. The advice is free, confidential and impartial, and available to anyone living in the Falkirk Council area.
There will also be an opportunity to hear about the new Safer Streets Youth Action Project, which is organising the event.
Local residents are welcome to drop in at any point to ask questions, seek advice and support, raise important matters and make suggestions for keeping the local area and communities safer, happier, and a more attractive place to be.
For further information, please contact John Hosie by phone: 07391524528, or email:
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