In February 2021 the completed Independent Review of Adult Social Care, commissioned by Scottish Government, was published. (The review is commonly referred to as “Feeley” or the “Feeley review”, after the Chair of the Review Derek Feeley, a former Scottish Government Director General for Health and Social Care, and Chief Executive of NHS Scotland.)
One recommendation of the Review was the creation of a National Care Service; Scottish Government has now opened a national consultation on this, with an online questionnaire, and several online consultation events throughout August, September and October 2021 – the first takes place on Monday 16th August, 10am – 12pm (Teams booking page linked for your convenience), with further dates linked below.
National Care Service
As a result of the Review’s recommendation, Scottish Government has proposed that the National Care Service (NCS) will define the strategic direction and quality standards for community health and social care in Scotland. It will have local delivery boards which work with the NHS, local authorities, and the third and independent sectors to plan, commission and deliver the support and services that the people of Scotland require.
The consultation focuses on exploring the proposals for significant cultural and system change that will need to be supported by primary legislation. The Review made clear that changes to systems are needed to deliver improvements in the quality of social care and support.
The priority in considering these proposals must be improving outcomes for the people who access care and support.
Scottish Government is looking to hear from as many people as possible, including people who access care and support, carers, members of the workforce and those who may access care and support in the future – “which includes everyone”. They are keen for everyone who may be affected by these changes to have an opportunity to comment on them.
The deadline for responses is Monday 18th October.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit the Scottish Government consultation hub; alternatively, to submit your response, visit the NCS questionnaire page directly (linked for your convenience).
Consultation Events
All consultation events take place via Teams on the following dates:
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “All aspects of the Consultation”: Monday 16th August, 10am – 12pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Improving care for people”: Thursday 2nd September, 6pm – 8pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Community Health and Social Care Boards”: Friday 10th September, 2pm – 4pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Scope of NCS”: Monday 13th September, 2pm – 4pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Commissioning of Services”: Tuesday 14th September, 10am – 12pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Regulation”: Wednesday 22nd September, 2pm – 4pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Fair work and valuing the workforce”: Thursday 23rd September, 6pm – 8pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “Fair work and valuing the workforce”: Tuesday 28th September, 10am – 12pm (BOOKING LINK)
- NCS Consultation Engagement Event – “All aspects of the Consultation”: Monday 4th October, 2pm – 4pm (BOOKING LINK)
“Our World Reimagined – Social Care”
Our colleagues at Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) are also focusing their next “Our World Reimagined – Social Care” events on the Feeley review:
- “Feeley and Opportunities for Co-production”, on Tuesday 24th August, 1:30pm – 3:30pm (BOOKING LINK)
- “Social Care, MND and the Feeley Review”, on Wednesday 8th September, 11am – 12pm (BOOKING LINK)
- “Social Care Special – Minister for Social Care, Kevin Stewart MSP”, on Thursday 9th September, 1:30pm – 3pm (BOOKING LINK)
- “Social Care – Feeley, Funding and the Care Economy”, on Thursday 16th September, 2pm – 3pm (BOOKING LINK)
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