A new friendship group for people living with dementia, and their carers, has been launched by Town Break in Grangemouth.
The Grangemouth Friendship Group takes place on the first Thursday of every month, 1pm – 3pm at the Bowhouse Community Centre, Bowhouse Road, Grangemouth, FK3 0EU. The first group will be held on Thursday 5th March.
Town Break supports people with early to mid-stage dementia, and their carers. The group aims to provide companionship in a social atmosphere, offering entertainment and afternoon tea.
The group is free to attend, but places are limited, and those interested should book their place via referral form in advance. The form can be completed by anyone, including the individual with dementia, their carer, link workers and health care professionals.
To book your place, please submit a completed referral form to Dawn Perry by email: dawn@townbreakstirling.org
Alternatively, for further information, contact Dawn Perry at the email address above, or by phone: 01786 641841.
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