NHS Forth Valley is organising a new Patient Participation Group, which will involve local people with lived experience in decisions on how NHS Forth Valley develops and delivers their services around mental health care.
They want to hear from people who are, or have been patients (or family or carers of patients), and have experience of being treated by the Specialist Mental Health and Learning Disability Services, who would be interested in joining the group. They are also keen for people with this experience from underrepresented backgrounds and groups (including ethnic minority communities) to get involved and share their thoughts.
NHS Forth Valley plans to have structured, regular meetings supported by staff, where volunteers can discuss and feedback on subjects such as how services are currently delivered. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to have a say in future redesigns and improvements.
To register your interest in this opportunity, or for further information, please contact the dedicated NHS Forth Valley team by email: fv.ppg@nhs.scot
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