Following today’s successful Falkirk Funders Fayre 2020, we’d like to remind everyone that we are also holding a FREE participation requests workshop on Thursday 12th March, 1pm – 4pm at the Forth Valley Sensory Centre, Redbrae Road, Camelon, FK1 4DD.
Held in partnership with the Scottish Centre for Community Development (SCDC), the workshop is aimed at local community groups (particularly those working with people experiencing poverty and inequalities) looking to find out how to use participation requests to start discussions with decision-makers about improving public services.
A light lunch will be available from 12:30pm.
Participation requests are part of The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act. Over the last two years, community groups across Scotland have been making them to public bodies (including local authorities and health boards), and we want to help more people to know about them.
The workshop aims to help attendees:
- understand what participation requests are
- think about whether they are a good approach for them
- know more about working with others to improve public services
To book your place, or for further information, please visit the Eventbrite page.
Alternatively, contact CVS Falkirk by phone: 01324 692000, or email:
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