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Tenant Participation Strategy (2025 – 2030) Consultation

December 27, 2024


Housing Services Tenant & Customer Participation Strategy (2025 – 2030), is the means by which the service gathers tenants’ & customers’ views, listens to them and acts upon them, with a view to improving services. Falkirk Council’s Housing Service are currently reviewing this strategy, and have launched the Tenant Participation Strategy (2025 – 2030) Consultation to hear your thoughts.

The Tenant Satisfaction Survey (2024) highlighted that 99% of tenants are satisfied with the opportunities given to participate – although most are unlikely to attend events, be part of a focus group or set up a Registered Tenants’ Organisation in their area etc. This survey looks to understand what prevents tenants being actively involved and what the service could do to encourage involvement.

The consultation is open until the 27 December 2024. You can access the survey through Participate Plus (linked for your convenience) – you will need an email address to register and take part.

For further information, please see the attached information document, email tenant.participation@falkirk.gov.uk, or visit the Falkirk Council website.


Falkirk Council
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