On Wednesday 11th December, 10am – 12pm, the Youth Volunteering Innovation Project (Youth VIP) is hosting a highly immersive and interactive online workshop to help organisations become young people friendly.
Youth VIP is a multi-organisation (Volunteering Matters, YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot) initiative to promote inclusive and participatory youth volunteering across Scotland. Formed from 13 recommendations made by young people from the Youth VIP to Scottish Government in 2020, YouthVIP now works with organisations, Local Government and young people to make this vision a reality.
One of a series, the workshop will review these 13 recommendations made by young people from Youth VIP to Scottish Government in 2020, and aims to provide lots of practical takeaways. Please note that these workshops are often extremely popular, and booking is essential.
To book your place, or for further information, please visit the booking page and select the correct workshop date.
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