Social Security Scotland is holding an online event for third sector groups and organisations: “Supporting Information for Disability Benefits” on Saturday 23rd April, 10:30am – 12pm.
The event is designed for third sector groups and organisations who may be asked by Social Security Scotland, on behalf of a client, to provide Supporting Information when the client is applying for a disability benefit (such as Child Disability Payment or Adult Disability Payment). Learning and Development teams from third sector organisations are also welcome to attend, in order to help them cascade this information.
During the event, the Social Security Scotland team will share examples of good practice, what support is available, and how to claim the relevant fee when a request has been submitted.
Collecting Supporting Information on behalf of clients is a key to how Social Security Scotland supports clients applying for their disability benefits. “It is particularly important for those clients who would be unable to gather this information on their own or may find doing so is a barrier to applying for a disability benefit.” (source: Social Security Scotland)
Providing the right level of supporting information, through the appropriate channels, enables Social Security Scotland to process applications more quickly and accurately, leading to a better client experience.
Purpose of the Event
- To provide information on the end to end processes involved for third sector organisations when Supporting Information is requested by Social Security Scotland, to support the client’s disability benefit application or review of an existing award.
- An opportunity for Social Security Scotland to ensure both third sector groups and organisations, and the people they support, have all the relevant information they need around the Supporting Information process.
Booking and Further Information
To book your place, or for further information, please visit the Eventbrite page.
Alternatively, for further information, contact the National Engagement and Partnership Team by phone: 0800 182 2222, or email:
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