Carers Scotland and Carers UK have launched the State of Caring Survey 2022.
The survey is aimed at current and former unpaid carers who look after a relative or friend who is disabled, older or seriously ill.
It aims to be an extensive survey into the experiences of carers; Carers Scotland and Carers UK are keen to hear about carers’ lives and experiences – good or bad – in as much detail as possible to build a picture of what it is like to be a carer in 2022, the challenges carers might face, and the impact caring has on finances, health, and wellbeing.
The survey takes roughly 20 – 30 minutes to complete, though those unable to dedicate that much time – especially given their caring responsibilities – are welcome to skip lengthier questions and focus on the shorter and tick box questions. However, the more in-depth responses received, the more accurate a picture can be built of carers’ experiences in 2022.
Last year, there were over 8,000 responses to the survey, which helped create a unified voice for carers. This information provided evidence used in Carers Scotland and Carers UK campaigns, and helped secure new rights for carers throughout the country.
The deadline for responses is Sunday 11th September.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit the SurveyMonkey page.
Alternatively, for further information, visit the Carers UK website.
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