Sport Scotland’s Sport Facilities Fund is currently open to support capital projects that help to create or improve places where people take part in sport and physical activity. The fund is suited for applicants who demonstrate a strong, clear and embedded commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and will prioritise projects that remove barriers and provide more and better opportunities for people to participate in sport and physical activity.
Sport Scotland are looking for projects to have a clear and strong focus on being more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable and for applicants to demonstrate how their project will achieve this.
Investment of up to 50% of eligible projects costs, to a maximum of £200,000 may be awarded. A higher percentage of investment can be awarded to community projects within or serving the most deprived areas (Deciles 1 and 2 on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation) – up to 75%, or to a maximum of £250,000.
Rolling deadlines for submission of Sports Facilities Fund applications are on 1 April and 1 September each year. The next deadline for application submission is 5pm, Sunday 1 September 2024.
For more information, please visit the Sport Scotland website.
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