Welcome to the CVS Falkirk resource library for Organisation Support.
Below is a list which links to useful documents and guides detailing important information when setting up or running a third sector organisation.
These have been created by our Organisation Support team (or adapted from external organisations, who have been credited) and are review marked and referenced in accordance with our quality management system. If you would like to use one as a starting point for your own organisation, please feel free to do so.
While these templates have all been developed for our third sector’s use, they may not all be appropriate for your own organisation or group, as they are only drafted examples, but please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about adapting them to suit your needs.
The templates below have been developed for you to adapt and use in your organisation.
Please note: As Scottish charity law considers all people with overall control and management of a charity to be “charity trustees” [trustees for short], this is how we refer to them in our documents. In your group or organisation, they may be called directors, management committee members or committee members.
Information to assist organisations to evaluate their work.
TEMPLATE – Evaluation Planning
GRAPHIC – “Evidence from Elsewhere” Infographic
Template documentation in relation to financial management.
TEMPLATE – Financial Procedures Manual
SAMPLE – Activities Budget Template
SAMPLE – Application Record
SAMPLE – Event Budget Template
SAMPLE – Project Budget Template
FAQs and top tips on applying for grant funding.
Top Tips For Funding
CHECKLIST – Are You Ready to Apply for Funding?
Why Funding Applications Fail