How else do you celebrate ten years of finding funding for Falkirk… than with 250 delegates, 22 funders, plenty of balloons, a celebratory cake – and hopefully amazing opportunities aplenty following successful funding applications.
Tuesday 19 March 2024 saw the return of CVS Falkirk & District’s annual Falkirk Funders Fayre – and we were so delighted with the turn out of delegates and funders alike. Held at Bowhouse Community Centre, Grangemouth, the free event is designed to give third sector, charity/voluntary groups and organisations, and social enterprises the opportunity to meet with a range of diverse funders to learn about the grant funding schemes that are available. And I think we can safely class this years’ event a success.
For 2024, there were 22 funding organisations available to attendees including the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland, Asda Foundation, Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership, Tesco Stronger Starts, Falkirk Business Gateway and many more. In light of the current cost of living, this year CVS Falkirk & District also invited a range of support organisations who can help local groups and organisations save money on costs, for example Utility Aid who also gave a short presentation on ‘understanding your buildings and the opportunity for energy efficiency‘. A special mention must also be made to Forth Valley College whose students and staff team kept all attendees well fed with their delicious spread of home made soup, sandwiches, and cakes.
We are always so thankful when we receive your feedback on our events and groups, and hearing people found the Fayre to be a place of hope, help, and encouragement motivates us to keep creating these opportunities for face-to-face discussion. Our goal is to always exist as a place of guidance and support so knowing that is felt within the community is a great privilege.
As we reflect on the last ten years of opportunities, we are so excited to think about the potential still to come with the multitude of successful funding applications no doubt being currently submitted. Now onto planning for the next ten years!
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