Scottish Government’s Participation Team has launched the new health and social care online survey, which supports the review of national community engagement guidance.
People in Scotland have the right to get involved in the design and delivery of new health or social care services, and to comment on changes to existing services. Listening to the views of people who use health and social care services – “community engagement” – m and actively involving them throughout the process of planning care delivery, is a key improvement recommendation of the of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland (“The Feeley Report”), which has been adopted by Scottish Government and its partners.
In March 2021, Scottish Government and COSLA published “Planning with People: Community engagement and participation guidance”. The guidance encourages collaboration between NHS Boards, Integration Joint Boards (IJBs), and Local Authorities. It also explains how people and communities can expect to engage with health and social care providers.
To help ensure “Planning with People” remains relevant, the Participation Team is keen to gather views, opinions, feedback and experiences from people across Scotland. These will then be used to improve the engagement process.
The deadline for responses is Friday 30th September.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit the Scottish Government consultation site.
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