As part of the legacy of Scotland’s Census 2022, the National Records of Scotland (NRS) is donating up to 400 Chromebooks (and some of the mobile phones used by the Census Field officers this year) to third, voluntary and charitable organisations across Scotland, to further benefit their work in this sector.
NRS would like as many voluntary and charitable organisations to benefit from these Chromebooks and mobile phones as possible. Groups and organisations must be providing supporting services to people in Scotland.
NRS uses a “sustainable procurement” and bidding system; interested groups and organisations must submit a bid for a donation.
The deadline for bids is 3pm this coming Monday 28th November. Any applications received after this time and date will not be considered.
To submit your bid, please read the Guidance Notes (linked for your convenience), download and complete the Scotland’s Census 2022 Devices Application Form (also linked), and submit by email:
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