Training is available through the Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention Framework, supported by NHS Forth Valley.
The Framework offers knowledge and skills at different levels, from helping people to be “informed” (Stage 1) to a more in-depth programme focusing on supporting people in crisis (Stage 2: “Living Works Start”). Participants must have completed Stage 1 before accessing more the in-depth programme at Stage 2.
Stage 1: “Informed” – E-Learning and Facilitated Workshops
Aiming to provide the knowledge and skills required by everyone, in any workplace, workforce or community, who has the opportunity and ability to positively impact on their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, and contribute to supporting people experiencing mental ill health and preventing self-harm or suicide.
This stage can be completed via the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention E-learning “Ask Tell” Animations. This is a standalone e-learning module, which combines 3 animations with “check your learning” multiple choice questions at the end of each animation.
To access the e-learning module, visit the NHS Education for Scotland TURAS Dashboard (linked for your convenience) and register to create an account, before signing in to access the learning materials.
Timing: This will differ for each individual dependent upon current knowledge and learning needs. The e-learning module can be completed in around one hour.
Alternatively, the NHS Forth Valley Health Promotion Service is also offering the content of the module as 3 facilitated workshops (with a total 3 hours of learning); for further information on the workshops, please visit the NHS Forth Valley website.
Stage 2: “LivingWorks Start”
LivingWorks Start teaches people to recognise when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to help and support. The online programme is suitable for people who are looking to extend their knowledge and skills in suicide prevention, and is provided by LivingWorks, a provider of suicide prevention training.
Timing: The module can be completed in around 90minutes.
A licence is required to access the LivingWorks programme; a number of licenses have been purchased to enable staff and volunteers within local food providers and other local community support groups to access the module, free of charge.
However, licences are limited, and should be requested as soon as possible.
To request a licence, please contact Fiona MacFarlane by email:
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