LinkLiving is recruiting new volunteer Board Members.
They invite applications from people who can use their skills and knowledge to help LinkLiving achieve their new mission and strategy to support people, with a focus on young people affected by trauma and disadvantage, in East and Central Scotland.
They will recruit up to 8 motivated and committed individuals who share their values of empathy, respect, integrity and care, and are particularly keen to encourage applications from those who are currently underrepresented on the Board. This includes:
- people who have a disability
- men
- young people aged 18 – 30 years old
- people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities
- people with lived experience of the types of services that LinkLiving provide
LinkLiving are also particularly interested in applications from people with lived experience of the fields in which LinkLing operate (mental health, trauma, disadvantage, homelessness, people with experience of the care system, those with knowledge of the communities in which they operate in East and Central Scotland, namely Edinburgh, Forth Valley and Fife), and from people who bring experience or a background in one or more of the following areas:
- social work
- homelessness and housing support
- health
- social care
- working with the third and/or the public sector
- fundraising
- marketing
However, if you have experience outside of these areas which you feel would be relevant for this role, LinkLiving would be equally interested to hear from you.
The closing date for applications is 12pm on Thursday 11th March.
If you would like to have an informal discussion about the volunteer Board Member role, please contact Claire Clapperton by email:
To apply via application pack, or for further information, please visit the LinkLiving website.
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