There is now only THREE DAYS until the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Adult Social Care closes on Thursday 20th February.
The inquiry explores the future delivery of social care in Scotland and what is required to meet future needs.
The Committee wants to hear from people with lived experience of adult social care – either while receiving it themselves, or as a carer – specifically:
- their story and experience of social care in Scotland
- what they change about their experience of social care
They are keen for views on the following questions:
- how should the public be involved in planning their own and their community’s social care services?
- how should Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) commission and procure social care to ensure it is person-centred?
- looking ahead, what are the essential elements in an ideal model of social care (e.g. workforce, technology, housing, etc.)?
- what needs to happen to ensure the equitable provision of social care across the country?
Responses are anonymous (unless consent is otherwise given), and should not take long to complete.
The Committee welcomes views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language. The call for views is also available as an easy read version.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit the Scottish Parliament consultation site.
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