Supported by funding from Scottish Government, Generations Working Together (GWT) is creating an intergenerational practice guidance handbook for older adults and volunteers, which will aim to assist older adults in planning and supporting intergenerational work within their communities.
To help with this work, they want to engage with older adults (either individuals or groups) to explore ideas and gather feedback about what should be included in the handbook, through 2 initial approaches:
Online Meetings
GWT is holding a series of online meetings about the handbook – the first online introductory meeting takes place on Tuesday 2nd May, 10am – 11:30am, via Zoom.
To book your place, or for further information, please visit the GWT website.
Focus Groups
A smaller online focus group, made up of staff from care homes, will also help with the process; care home staff are welcome to note their interest in this opportunity with GWT.
There is also an opportunity for representatives from organisations which lead on engagement with older adults to support the process.
Those interested in this opportunity should contact Lorraine George by email:
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