NHS Forth Valley is holding an online interactive workshop on the future of palliative and end of life care in Forth Valley, open to local people across the area.
The workshop takes place via Teams on Thursday 7th October, 11:15am – 12:45pm; people interested in attending must register before Wednesday 15th September.
Attendees will discuss key aspects of the draft Forth Valley Strategic Review of Palliative and End of Life Care 2020/2021 (which focuses on adult care), and the future direction of this care in Forth Valley.
Based on stakeholder feedback, the workshop will focus on 4 key areas:
- the future community model
- the future model for a palliative care co-ordination hub
- workforce & education/ skills development
- the strategic vision & guiding principles
NHS Forth Valley wants to know what is important to local people as they look ahead to the future, and people’s thoughts on the changes needed to make real improvements for service users.
To book your workshop place, please complete the online registration form.
Alternatively, for further information, or to request an electronic copy of the strategic review, contact David Munro (Senior Planning Manager at NHS Forth Valley) by email: david.munro@nhs.scot
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