Falkirk Children and Young People’s Partnership is delighted to announce the opening of this year’s round of the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund (WFWF). The application process is open now until the 12 July 2024.
WFWF aims to fund a transformation whereby every family gets the support they need at the right time, for as long as it is needed, to fulfil children’s rights to be raised safely in their own families. Projects eligible for WFWF will support the whole system transformational change required to reduce the need for crisis intervention and shift investment towards prevention and early intervention.
A total of £300k is available for projects across the Falkirk & District area. All applicants should be mindful of Falkirk’s broad strategic priorities, as well as the gaps in service provision around: Domestic Abuse , Drug and Alcohol Misuse, Mental Health, or Poverty and Inequality.
WFWF Eligibility Criteria:
- Funding must be used as an additional resource to support transformation of the system in line with the National Principles of Holistic Family Support and the ambition to #Keep the Promise.
- Funding cannot be used to support business as usual or to replace funding already in the system.
- Funding can be used to test new approaches to family support (tests of change) that align with Scotland’s 10 Principles of Holistic Family Support.
- Funding can be used to build transformational capacity e.g. training, expertise, infrastructure to facilitate improvement.
- Funding can be used to upscale existing transformational activity but WFWF must only be used to fund the scaled element of the approach with a view to integrating this into long term investment plans.
In addition, all successful bids will:
- Incorporate learning and evaluation which supports national learning and improvement.
- Demonstrate intended impact on the wellbeing of children and families, in line with agreed WFWF outcomes.
- Focus on meeting unfilled local need and filling gaps in service provision, as identified below.
- Be mindful of those families most in need, including the six priority family types identified in the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, and of children and families in and on the edges of care.
Undergo relevant impact assessments, including Equality Impact Assessments and Children’s Rights Impact Assessments, as appropriate.
For further information, including how to apply, please visit the WFWF website (linked for your convenience).
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