To help inform the new Local Development Plan (LDP3), Falkirk Council conducted a survey with the public earlier in the year to find out how people feel about their places, what works and what they want to see improved.
They have now published a Consultation Summary Report (linked for your convenience) summarising the response received, which will help them prepare the Evidence Report on which to base the new plan.
Falkirk Council is now preparing a play sufficiency assessment to inform the Evidence Report, which will look at the availability, accessibility and quality of community open spaces (such as parks, woodlands, equipped play areas and sports pitches) for children and young people to play or hang out. The assessment aims to help devise policies and proposals to improve opportunities for outdoor play in the future.
As part of the play sufficiency assessment, they want to hear people’s thoughts and views on the open spaces and play areas in their communities, through an online survey.
The deadline for responses is Tuesday 28th November.
To submit your response, or for further information, please visit the Participate + survey page (which requires a signup).
Alternatively, for further information, visit the dedicated LDP3 page.
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