In the build up to our Virtual Falkirk Funders Fayre this year, we’re spotlighting the funders who are attending the event for the first time ever.
Our first spotlight features an organisation many may not think of as a funder, but who has a new and exciting programme with over £800,000 available: Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)!
Falkirk HSCP’s session takes place on the first day of the event, Tuesday 8th March at 1pm.
Their Health Inequalities and Wellbeing Fund launches next month, with £830,000 to improve outcomes on the key areas, “Health and Social Inequalities” and “Health and Wellbeing”. Projects can support both these areas, but they must support at least one.
This one-off fund can be used over 2 years, and is open to community and third sector groups and organisations – including social enterprises.
Organisations can apply for up to £25,000; preference will be given to proposals that include match funding (this is required where services go beyond the scope of integration.) Match funding can be direct (finance) or in-direct (existing staff and volunteer time).
However, they will also accept proposals for 100% funding if activity is in-scope of integrated health and social care.
Further information is available via the Fund Guidance document, or during Falkirk HSCP’s session.
This is another incredible amount of funding to come into the Falkirk area, which is a credit to, and recognition of, the immensely valuable and essential work of the third sector. If your group or organisation’s work covers “Health and Social Inequalities” and “Health and Wellbeing”, we would encourage you to book a place and attend Falkirk HSCP’s session.
The Virtual Falkirk Funders Fayre 2022 takes place Tuesday 8th March – Thursday 10th March, with 3 workshops each day; tickets are FREE, and can be booked via the Eventbrite page.
The full event schedule is available below:
Tuesday 8th March
- 10:45am: CVS Falkirk Welcome and Introduction
- 11am: Tesco Community Grants
- 1pm: Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
- 3pm: The Clothworkers’ Foundation
Wednesday 9th March
- 11am: The Foyle Foundation
- 1pm: The Henry Smith Charity
- 3pm: People’s Postcode Lottery
Thursday 10th March
- 11am: Foundation Scotland
- 1pm: The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland
- 3pm: Corra Foundation
Everyone is welcome, though the event is aimed at third sector groups and organisations (including charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups). Organisations from outwith the Falkirk area are also welcome to attend.
Please note: these sessions will be recorded to allow us to share the learning with other groups and organisations in the future; if you don’t want to be recorded then please contact us by email: and we will let you know what needs to be done.
Let us know you’re coming! Tweet using @CVSFalkirk and #V3F22, or tag us on Facebook.
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