Our Virtual Falkirk Funders fayre takes place NEXT WEEK! We can’t wait to see everyone, and to hear from this year’s fantastic range of leading funders.
In the build up to the event, we’re spotlighting the funders attending the event; this week focuses on THREE: Tesco Community Grants, the Corra Foundation, and the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland.
All these funders focus on people and community-led efforts, because they know the value of local knowledge and how important the third sector is, being at the very heart of communities. We would urge people to book into their sessions to find out about how they can access these programmes, along with tips and recommendations on what they look for in applications.
Tesco Community Grants
The Tesco Community Grants session takes place on Tuesday 8th March at 11am – our very first session this year (after our Welcome)!
Tesco Community Grants is responsible for the familiar blue token vote in stores, which supports 3 local groups or projects each round. When they last attended Falkirk Funders Fayre in 2017 (not long after their 2016 launch), the grant was known as “Tesco Bags of Help”, a reference to their origins in the money raised by sales of Tesco’s bags for life. Last year, they celebrated 5 years of helping communities, £85 million in grants awarded and 36,000 groups supported.
Now, only one year later, they have supported over 40,000 projects and groups throughout the UK, and awarded over £90 million in grants, with £2 million donated in each funding round.
The scheme is administered by community charity Groundwork, with support from greenspace scotland to support projects in Scotland.
How to Apply
Tesco Community Grants is open to applications all registered charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK, with priority given to projects providing food, and/or supporting young people.
Tesco customers and staff can also nominate a local cause they would like to see supported, and the teams at Groundwork and greenspace scotland will contact them to encourage an application.
Applications and nominations can both be submitted via their website (linked for your convenience).
The Corra Foundation
The Corra Foundation session takes place on Thursday 10th March at 3pm – our final session of the event!
Previously known as the Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, the Corra Foundation is a familiar presence in Falkirk, and a regular visitor to the Falkirk Funders Fayre. They aim to help improve the lives of individuals and communities experiencing disadvantage across Scotland and in developing countries; since 1985 they have distributed almost £193 million and awarded nearly 16,000 grants, supporting nearly 240,000 charities and groups.
Corra works with others to encourage positive change, opportunity, fairness and growth, leading to improved quality of life. They want to see a society where people create positive change, and enjoy fulfilling lives.
In 2020, they launched their 10 year strategy, with a commitment to make a difference to big challenges (hence the length of the strategy); at its core is the belief that “when people find their voice, they unlock the power to make change happen”.
In addition to funding, they also lead on a number of place-based work, through their People in Place programme.
How to Apply
Corra has a number of grants open at a time, all with their own application process and eligibility criteria. They are all available on their website, and their team will be talking about both current and upcoming grants during their session.
The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland (TNLCFS)
Like Corra, TNLCFS is a regular to Falkirk Funders Fayre, and just like our other highlights today, we’re delighted to be welcoming them back for 2022. Their session is at 1pm on Thursday 10th March.
TNLCFS awards money raised by National Lottery players to fund ideas aiming to help communities thrive. They have worked to support groups and communities through COVID-19, responding to be as flexible as possible with their funding.
Typically, the full National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600 million a year throughout the UK. Groups can apply for funding under £10,000, or over £10,000, depending on what they want to do.
All National Lottery funding is public money; this means that it cannot be used to give organisations an unlawful advantage. Further information about these subsidy rules is available on the UK Government website.
How to Apply
In Scotland, there are a number of key funding programmes and initiative, including those supporting people and communities most adversely impacted by the pandemic.
Most well-known is Awards for All, which provides a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding of £300 to £10,000; there is also:
- Community Led
- Improving Lives
- Young Start
- Scottish Land Fund
All of these funds are open to community and voluntary groups and organisations, with no deadlines.
The Virtual Falkirk Funders Fayre 2022 takes place Tuesday 8th March – Thursday 10th March, with 3 workshops each day; tickets are FREE, and can be booked via the Eventbrite page.
If you have any issue booking via Eventbrite, please contact us by phone: 07717600520, or email: info@cvsfalkirk.org.uk
The full event schedule is available below:
Tuesday 8th March
- 10:45am: CVS Falkirk Welcome and Introduction
- 11am: Tesco Community Grants
- 1pm: Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
- 3pm: The Clothworkers’ Foundation
Wednesday 9th March
- 11am: The Foyle Foundation
- 1pm: The Henry Smith Charity
- 3pm: People’s Postcode Lottery
Thursday 10th March
- 11am: Foundation Scotland
- 1pm: The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland
- 3pm: Corra Foundation
Everyone is welcome, though the event is aimed at third sector groups and organisations (including charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups). Organisations from outwith the Falkirk area are also welcome to attend.
Please note: these sessions will be recorded to allow us to share the learning with other groups and organisations in the future; if you don’t want to be recorded then please contact us by email: info@cvsfalkirk.org.uk and we will let you know what needs to be done.
Let us know you’re coming! Tweet using @CVSFalkirk and #V3F22, or tag us on Facebook.
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