We’re continuing our countdown to Falkirk Funders Fayre (less than 7 weeks to go now!) with spotlights on the day’s exhibitors. Today we’re focusing on Firstport and Community Shares Scotland!
Both organisations, along with all our other funders and exhibitors, will be available to speak with at the event on Tuesday 10th March, 10am – 2pm at the Bowhouse Community Centre, 130 Bowhouse Road, Grangemouth, FK3 0EU. Free tickets can be booked via the Eventbrite page.
One of our regulars, Firstport is Scotland’s agency for start-up social entrepreneurs and social enterprise. They offer support to individuals all across Scotland to start, develop and grow their ideas into businesses with social impact at their core.
Founded in 2007, Firstport worked to help social entrepreneurs bring forward their ideas and to make them happen. Since then they have grown and evolved, supporting thousands of individuals across Scotland and distributing millions of pounds of start-up funding, all with the aim to achieve their vision: “Social enterprises play a key role in society, transforming lives, communities and the economy.”
They are part of a wider ecosystem of entrepreneurial support, Scotland Can Do, and work alongside other support organisations, academia and funders to encourage more people to start social enterprises, and to help them get started.
They also have a range FREE of online resources available (including Guidance Notes and Templates from all their programmes, Useful Links and a Jargon Buster).
On top of all this, they offer a short quiz that those interested in speaking with them at the Funders Fayre, or seeking support from them in general, can take to find out which of their programmes would suit them best.
For further information on Firstport, visit their website, or book your FREE place at Falkirk Funders Fayre to speak with them on the day!
Community Shares Scotland
Last year was Community Shares Scotland’s first time at Falkirk Funders Fayre, and they obviously loved it!
They support enterprises, promote good practice and raise awareness around community shares, which are a way for people to invest in what matters to them: community members buy shares in enterprises providing goods and services that meet their needs, and in turn, the enterprise is owned and governed by the community it serves.
Community shares can save local shops and pubs, finance renewable energy schemes, transform community facilities, support local food growing, fund new football clubs, restore heritage buildings, and above all, build stronger, more vibrant, and independent communities.
Community Shares Scotland can provide a lot of support to help you work towards a community share offer, both for groups considering or planning to raise finance via a community share offer, and practitioners.
As well as the online support and resources offering the latest guidance and information on community shares, they can provide with email, phone, face to face and bespoke consultancy support, all FREE of charge.
For further information on community shares (including whether its right for you and your community), visit the Community Shares Scotland website, or book your FREE place at Falkirk Funders Fayre to speak with them on the day!
To learn more about Falkirk Funders Fayre 2020, or any of our exhibitors on the day, stay tuned to the CVS Falkirk website, or sign up for our weekly e-bulletin for more spotlight features!
Alternatively, contact CVS Falkirk by phone: 01324 692000, or email: info@cvsfalkirk.org.uk
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