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LDP2 Supplementary Guidance 14 Consultation: Responses Deadline
September 24, 2021
FreeFalkirk Council is now consulting on one of the remaining Supplementary Guidance (SG) associated with the Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2): SG14 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy.
SG14 expands on LDP2 policies in relation to renewable and low carbon energy, and consolidates information previously contained within 3 separate guidance documents relating to Wind Energy Developments, Renewable Energy, and Low and Zero Carbon Development.
Falkirk Council intends for SG14 to provide a toolkit for developers, communities and individuals seeking to develop a range of renewable and low carbon technologies – these include biomass, combined heat and power (CHP), solar or photovoltaics (PV), ground, air and water source heat, deep geothermal and hydro, as well as the potential for district heating within the Falkirk Council area.
(Consultation on the final SG, SG11 Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Antonine Wall) World Heritage Sites, is currently pending, as this will be a joint consultation, and is subject to agreement with 4 other local authorities.)
The deadline for responses is Friday 24th September. Please note that responses should be submitted by email only; postal responses cannot be accepted due to COVID-19.
To submit your response, please contact Falkirk Council by email: ldp@falkirk.gov.uk
Alternatively, for further information on the LDP2, please visit the Falkirk Council website.