As part of their “Creating Hope with Peer Support” project, the Scottish Recovery Network (SRN) is looking to meet with community-based groups who support people affected by suicide.
They are holding free online information sessions on the project, taking place on Tuesday 16th May and Wednesday 17th May, where third sector groups in Scotland can find out more about how SRN aims to build capacity for peer support opportunities, so people may access this type of support at the earliest opportunity. The project has been designed to help provide space, compassion and hope for people in crisis and those affected by suicide, through working with existing and new community-based suicide prevention groups and organisations.
Groups involved with “Creating Hope with Peer Support” will also be involved in the development of a ‘Peer support in suicide prevention’ resource and other materials to support practice.
To book your place at either information session, please visit the Eventbrite page (linked for your convenience).
Alternatively, for further information on the project, visit the dedicated information page.
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