The Scottish Government has given Community Justice Scotland (CJS) the go ahead to commence a grant process to commission a single national voluntary throughcare partnership to provide support to all people leaving prison after a short prison sentence or a period on remand. Their working assumption is that the total amount of grant funding available will be £5.3M. Please note that at this stage this is still subject to Parliamentary approval of the Scottish Budget Bill 2024/25 – and approval of future budgets.
CJS will be in touch in the coming weeks with the detail of the process and grant specification, however to facilitate partnership formation and refresh our stakeholder list in advance of this they would like to compile and share a register of organisations who may be interested in developing or contributing to a proposal.
To facilitate this, please can you complete and return the attached form (linked for your convenience) by 12.00 PM on Friday 8th March 2024.
Please note that by returning the form you are consenting to the information contained within it being shared with other interested voluntary sector organisations.
Choosing not to complete and return this form will not affect your eligibility for the grant and none of the information contained within it will form the basis of any decision making with regards to the grant.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries – please e-mail
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