Applications for Social Investment Scotland’s (SIS) key leadership programme, Ambitions 2022, close at 11:59pm this coming Monday 22nd August.
In partnership with Baillie Gifford, the Ambitions programme is designed to be a transformational leadership journey, where a cohort of social enterprise leaders are supported to grow and scale their operations, and enhance their leadership skills with support from contributors, but also from each other as part of a collaborative leadership cohort. As with last year’s programme, the cohort will be split into two groups to provide a more tailored learning journey: Scale Up for those more established organisations, and Step Up for those at an earlier stage.
Ambitions 2022 will run from mid-September (dates depending on the cohort group), for 12 – 14 weeks. Successful applicants will be informed on Tuesday 30th August.
The programme will host a broad range of speakers, facilitating masterclasses on topics including finance, marketing, impact, customer insights and story-telling. There will also be a range of core learning topics and group discussion, led by programme facilitator and SIS Associate, Rachael Brown. Additionally, recorded resources will be available to further support some of the key themes of the programme, offering learning at a time to suit participants.
Ambitions 2022 consists of:
- online sessions (typically 90 minutes), starting in mid-September and running until December, facilitated by Rachael Brown
- tailored and impactful learning through the 2 cohorts, Scale Up and Step Up
- peer support and regular catch-ups with other organisations in the cohort
- access to business grants for specialist support
- professional 1-2-1 support
- masterclasses focusing on business operations and the “next level” leadership journey
- the opportunity to access a limited number of £5,000 grants, thanks to SIS’ partnership with Baillie Gifford
- tailored investment manager support and finance packages, to support future growth and scale participants’ plans
To apply, or for further information, please visit the SIS website.
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