Applications to the 2027 Scotland programmes close at 12pm on Wednesday 24th March.
The 2027 programme was created 4 years ago with a mission to bring community power into grant making, helping to shift decision-making power and funding towards the people in those communities. The programme offers participants the chance to complete a full-time, paid, 12 month placement in a trust or foundation while receiving extensive professional development from the 2027 team.
They are looking for people of all backgrounds to apply, whose experience and insight will be an asset to the sector. The programme aims to help people to launch their career in grant-making, and help 2027 realise their ambition of a diverse sector closely connected to the communities it serves. 2027 is supported by the National Lottery Community Fund, Esmeé Fairbairn and Barrow Cadbury Trust.
Over the past couple of years, 2027 has worked with BBC Children in Need, Esmee Fairbairn, National Lottery Community Fund, Young Manchester, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Big Society Capital, Cloudesley, Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Guy & St. Thomas’ Trust, and many other organisations who provided roles for community-focused individuals. This year for the first time, they are running recruitment for a Scotland-specific programme stream, as a group of Scottish funders committed to the 2027 mission of community power in grant making have come together to offer up to 10 placements for individuals based in Scotland.
To apply, or for further information, please visit the 2027 application page.
Alternatively, for further information, visit the main 2027 website, or view or download the brochure as a pdf document.
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